Thursday, November 01, 2007

Happy Halloween!

James dressed up as Gandalf for work. His fellow employee won the $25 pot. It's understandable why!
Connor as the brave KNIGHT
Emily as Sacajewea
Could that be my Hannah? After being a pirate at school and seeing all of the pretty princesses, Hannah decided to be a princess. After going to James' work party, she changed back into a pirate. I guess she just couldn't handle the prissy stuff after all.

Hunter as the Red Ranger (thanks Whitney who always plays Power Rangers with my kids).

Can you believe it's already November first??? Halloween is over and it was great. In fact, I think this was the first year ever that I wasn't totally stressed out! I didn't even yell at the kids! I was totally laid back and easy going! I didn't even freak out when Hannah decided to change her costume 3 times yesterday! I did a veggie platter and deviled eggs and rolls for dinner. I had it on the table when the kids came home from school and I just let them eat whatever they wanted. NO STRESS!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yayy for no stress!! :) The kids' costumes look awesome! I love Emily's! :) Her hair is getting darker, isn't it?

    What fun!
