Saturday, September 15, 2007


The moment I had been waiting for finally arrived!!! I have been waiting since January for Creative Escape, and after my disasterous week, I was definitely ready to escape! I felt VERY guilt leaving my family and poor James with everything--a kid with a broken arm, work to make up, etc. Thankfully my good friend, Susan came to the rescue. She took the boys each day and made poor Hunter as comfortable as possible! She didn't even complain when Hunter threw up in her house (twice)!

I took a shuttle back to Salt Lake (dejavew I was on that 4 hr trip the day before) and took a plane to Phoenix Arizona. I have never indulged myself like this before. I have never taken any classes or gone to any conventions before, and I feel it was long deserved. After all, James got a new TV!

I stayed with Betsy Moore the first night and Karrie and her mom picked me up the next day. Karrie is Mr. Bazzill's (Doug Jones) sister, and Millie is his mom. It was so much fun being with Bazzill family. I was treated like a VIP since I was with them. The classes were amazing and I met some of my scrappin' heros! We were pampered and primped. We met some really awesome people from Texas. It's funny how you meet some people and then keep bumping into them the entire time.

On the last night, I couldn't stop myself from being emotional. I didn't want it to end! It really was a once in a lifetime experience (unless I get to do it again next year!). I can't imagine a funner "girly" vacation.

After the convention, I stayed again with Betsy. She is one wild and crazy girl and I love her. She adds spice to my life! After church on Sunday, we went to the Mesa Temple and watched the Joseph Smith movie. It was awesome, of course, then we attended a fireside by the producer and some of the cast. It too was awesome!

What an amazing trip! It was a dream come true!

Although I had the time of my life, I can't tell you how wonderful it is to be home! I feel like I've been gone for weeks. I am totally pumped to start scrapping and creating again. It's good to be with my family again and I am fully taking the advice of one of the CE teachers and I'm being the best mommy and wife I can be so that my family will want to send me back to CE again next year because it did me so much good!


  1. I am so happy for you! It sounds like you had an awesome time!! A few days of rest and fun for Mom are always a plus!! :)

  2. Sunny, I'm glad your girls time out was fun. I think time out is essential, good for James for taking the kids. Good job on the health stuff too, I don't know if I can go a day without sugar, I think I would die. I think that's probably a hint that I need to to better. Anyway, you are so super cute, I can't wait to see you guys again.
    LOVE Susanna
