Wednesday, August 01, 2007

We've Arrived!!!

We finally made it to our new house. We had an amazing time crossing the country. We saw many interesting things such as our family in Indiana, Nauvoo, Carthage, crop dusting in Iowa, lots and lots of corn, threatening skies in Nebraska, lots of dead grass, strange rock formations in Wyoming, crossing the Continental Divide, my family in Ut, and finally, our new house in Idaho!!!

The kids did amazingly well even though we had a few technical difficulties such as our fuse in our cigarette lighter would blow if anything was plugged in. This meant that the kids could only watch about half a movie each day before the battery in the laptop died. They did well entertaining themselves with Gameboy, reading, or riding in the big truck with Daddy!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you made it. Hope you love Rigby. Can't wait to see you.
