Monday, December 24, 2007


One great thing about all of this fluffy Idaho snow . . . is SLEDDING (and I'm sure skiing too)! We haven't been able to build a snowman because the snow is like powdered sugar. We keep testing its balling capabilities, but it's just not there. The first time I shoveled off my driveway, I laughed because it was as light as feathers. I was excited to go out and get some exercise, but it didn't prove to be much of a workout. Some people just sweep off the snow with a broom. When it's snowing, it looks just like we're in a snow globe. It's beautiful. I'm now realizing why Audrey loves the snow so much--that Idaho girl!


Susanna said...

I'm jelous of your fluffy snow, I'm starting to get worn out with all the shoveling I've had to do in the last couple of days.
Sounds beautiful, living in a snow globe.

Sylvia said...

Yayy for fluffy snow!! :)

The kids are always eager to shovel here, and I don't mind a bit. ha ha ha

Yuna's Lazy year Blogs said...

Here in f'burg we only had one snow day. Cat Bradshaw