Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Swimming Lessons--Finally!

Swimming lessons in an outdoor pool in Idaho in June could be a little risky! Hypothermia, frost bite, chills. It has been known to snow in July.

The pool temp was turned up to 90 degrees to ease the bite of the breeze and the boys jumped in for their first swimming lessons.
Friends Katelyn, Damien, Hunter and Connor Hamming it up.
Hunter and Connor are natural fish in the water, and now they know some good techniques to go along with their doggy paddle and splish splashing.

We were late getting Hunter started in swimming lessons at 8 1/2, but he did great and easily advanced to the next level.
Connor at 6 1/2 did well too. I don't know if it's such a good idea having him in the same class with his brother and best friend, because each time the teacher would turn his head, Connor the shark would attack and try to dunk everyone! What a goof ball.
Now it's time to practice practice practice! Rigby Lake, here we come!

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Chelsea's Shower

I am so happy for my friend, Chelsea and her beautiful little baby BOY, Gunner!
Chelsea did not know what she was going to have, and her favorite color is GREEN, so we threw her a spring green baby shower (secretly, I thought she would have a girl).
Just look at Grannie looking at Chelsea, priceless!
It wasn't the easiest thing for Chelsea to get this little fella. She went through a rough patch, so that made the shower even more exciting. People were so generous and the gifts were piled up on the lawn!

It was the easiest shower I have ever helped with! I was in charge of hosting and helping to decorate. Of course the wind was up to no good and kept blowing the decorations away!

The food was prepared by my friends. Easy for me!

We had a great turn out and a great time, and now Chelsea has a GREAT baby!
Congrats Chelsea, you deserve it!